Segeda > Quality


In our effort to deliver high quality products, the current quality department of SEGEDA, S.L. was created in 2006. Our constant search for excellence and the commitment to satisfy our customers, requires a rigorous quality control during each of the steps in our manufacturing process: from the inspection of the raw material, to the delivery of the final product. Normally, all manufacturing processes are subject to specific indicators to check the operation and improvements that are applied from this department. 

Its main function has been no other than the implementation of work systems that represent an added effort to daily work. Our objective from the beginning was the general conviction that implementing a "Quality System" implies improvement in the entire production process thanks to analyses carried out during all the manufacturing phases of a product.

Its maintenance requires daily compliance with the procedures outlined, not only in terms of documentation but also in terms of controls or checks in the workshop. This is a constant review by the quality manager on the department heads, in order to be able to meet all the requirements..

SEGEDA maintains a commitment to respect the environment, ensuring the proper disposal of all waste generated in the manufacture of its products through different recycling methods thanks to the services of an authorized manager of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. Our environmental concern leads us to establish an environmental management plan, in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard.

You can review our. quality and environmental policy here.

To constantly improve the service and thus meeting your expectations, your opinion is important for us, so we would appreciate if you take a few minutes to fill out our satisfaction questionnaire.

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If you need to classify us as certified providers, you can download the certificates by clicking on each of them:

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